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Our Upcoming Events.

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Our Story


The Property Support Network was formed to bring professionals together to help and support each other in all aspects of their Property and Business lives.


We provide a safe, fun, and professional community for people to discuss business and in particular property investment & developments. 


In order to achieve this we have moved away from the traditional style of networking events and instead we bring you educational events with real experts from property and finance.

Our Team

Our Team.

Steve Hanham

Steve Hanham

The PSN Community

Jane Davis Headhsot B&W Circle.png

Jane Davis

PSN East Midlands Team

Jo Parker Liddle Headhsot B&W Circle.png

Jo Parker Liddle

PSN East Midlands Team (Nottingham)

Would you like to join the PSN team  and be involved in a PSN networking event near you?

Then we would love to hear from you, click here to get in touch.

Latest News.

Andy Emery

“Having been attending property networking events for about 17 years (and helping run one myself for a while) it was really refreshing to come along to something a bit different."

Adrian Bellingham

"The Property Support Network goes one big step further. They offer a support network of trusted service providers who provide training on the important areas you need to know as an investor/developer. Receiving education from industry experts will help you to reduce risk and maximise profits on your future projects."
Lunch at Conference

Contact Us.

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The following Trade Marks of THE PSN COMMUNITY LTD trading as the PROPERTY SUPPORT NETWORK.

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Company Number: 14863756. D-U-N-S® Number: 230628412
Registered Address: 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, United Kingdom, WC2H 9JQ

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